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Framework of Subsidiary Body for Implementation, (SBI), Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action and Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol.

Date and place of the venue:

1-12 June, 2009, Maritim Hotel, Bonn, Germany.

Key issues:

The new key document will be presented on the Climate Change Talks. It focuses on amendments to the Kyoto Protocol relating to emission reduction commitments of industrialized countries for the second phase of the Protocol (post-2012).

Online translation of the venue will be available at the

Basic information:
Amendments to the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP):,
Ideas on UNFCCC long-term cooperation (AWG-LCA)

Main agenda:
SBI-30 agenda:
SBSTA-30 agenda:
AWG-KP-8 agenda:  
AWG-LCA-6 agenda:


Online translation from the Bonn Climate Talks (

Monday 1 june 2009

The Bonn Climate Change Talks began on Monday morning with the opening plenaries of AWG-LCA 6 and SBI 30 took place. They were followed by opening plenaries of AWG-KP 8 and SBSTA 30 in the afternoon.

The thirtieth sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the sixth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) and the eighth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) will take place from Monday 1 June to Friday 12 June 2009 in the Maritim Hotel, Bonn, Germany.

The focus under the AWG-LCA is expected to be on the draft negotiating text prepared by the AWG-LCA Chair Michael Zammit Cutajar (Malta), covering the key elements of the AWG-LCA's work programme: mitigation; adaptation; finance; technology; and a shared vision on long-term cooperative action.

AWG-KP 8 is expected to consider two documents prepared by its new Chair John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda), namely a proposal for amendments to the Kyoto Protocol under Article 3.9 (Annex I parties’ further commitments), and a text on other issues, such as land use, land-use change and forestry, and the flexibility mechanisms. AWG-KP 7 also agreed to continue considering Annex I parties' aggregate emission reductions in the post-2012 period “as a key focus” of AWG-KP 8.

The SBI will take up, inter alia, agenda items on technology transfer, capacity building, national communications and the financial mechanism. The SBSTA will consider agenda items including the Nairobi Work Programme, reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries (REDD), technology transfer and various methodological issues under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol   


Vladimir Tarasenko , ?????????, ????????? ????????????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ? ?????????? ? ????????? ????????? ? ??????? ? ???????? ????????? ????? ???????? 
Latifa Benazza (?????), ?? ????? ??????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ??????? AWG-KP’s ?? ??????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? 1.
Renate Christ, IPCC, ?????????? ? ???????? ?? ??????????????? ??????? ???????? ????












2 ????, 2009 ???????

In the morning, the SBI and SBSTA convened in plenary sessions. In the afternoon, the SBI plenary continued. The AWG-LCA convened in an informal plenary and the AWG-KP held contact groups on Annex I emission reductions and other issues identified by AWG-KP 6. 










Participants before the beginning of the session.
Participants enjoy light moment.

  NGO and youth activity :

"Fossil of the Day" recipient.
The moderator of the "Fossil of the Day" leading the audience in song.


3 June 2009, Wednesday

In the morning, the SBI plenary convened and the AWG-LCA met in an informal plenary. The SBSTA held a dialogue on research activities relevant to the Convention. Throughout the day, contact groups and informal consultations took place under the AWG-KP, SBI and SBSTA.

Min question during the sessions: FINANCIAL ISSUES, Fourth Review of the Financial Mechanism, Adaptation Fund under the Protocol, technology transfer and others.






Jonathan Pershing, US, explained that his country’s proposals are linked to the Convention’s provisions and reflect its structure.
Yadir Salazar Mejía (Colombia) supported strengthening the financing section, particularly regarding sources of funding.

Costa Rican delegates cycle to the Conference venue every morning in a bid to promote carbon neutrality.

 June 4-th, Thursday

In the morning, the AWG-LCA met in an informal plenary. Throughout the day, various contact groups and informal consultations took place under the AWG-KP, AWG-LCA, SBI and SBSTA.








Contact group on national communications.


Juka Uosukainen, Finland (second from left) and Zaheer Fakir, South Africa (second from right) co-chaired the session.


 NGO and International organizations Activities :

"The flood is coming." This boot symbolises the need to prepare.


UNCCD stand 
5 June 2009
In the morning, the AWG-LCA met in an informal plenary. Throughout the day, various contact groups and informal consultations took place under the AWG-KP, AWG-LCA, SBI and SBSTA.
The dais during the contact group.


Mohammad Soltanieh (Iran)

Prodipto Ghosh (India) questioned the use of terms such as “major developing countries” and “major emitters”

Joseph Essandoh-Yeddu (Ghana)


"Barack Obama" pledging to reduce his country's carbon emissions.


 6 june 2009

In the morning and afternoon, the AWG-LCA met in an informal plenary. Throughout the day, various contact groups and informal consultations took place under the AWG-KP, SBI and SBSTA.









Richard Muyungi, Tanzania, Georg Børsting (Norway), and Richard Kinley, Secretariat.

A view of the room during the session.

8 June 2009

In the morning, the AWG-LCA met in an informal plenary. Throughout the day, various contact groups and informal consultations took place under the AWG-KP, AWG-LCA, SBI and SBSTA.










Delegates in the AWG-LCA stood in a moment of silence to honor Vladimir Tarasenko, head of delegation, Belarus, who passed away on Saturday.

On REDD-plus, Kevin Conrad (Papua New Guinea) stressed that readiness funding must come from multiple sources.
Ian Fry (Tuvalu) identified the need to clarify the concept of REDD-plus.

9 June 2009

In the morning, the AWG-LCA met in an informal plenary. Throughout the day, various contact groups and informal consultations took place under the AWG-KP, SBI and SBSTA.









The co-chairs of the contact group on financial issues, L-R: Jukka Uosukainen (Finland) and Zaheer Fakir (South Africa) met informally at the beginning of the session.

Participants at the contact group meeting on capacity building under the Convention.
Aroud the conferene
Fossil o the day event
10 June 2009

In the morning, the AWG-LCA met in an informal plenary. Throughout the day, contact groups and informal consultations took place under the AWG-KP, SBI and SBSTA. In the afternoon and evening, the SBI and SBSTA reconvened in plenary sessions to conclude their work.









AWG-LCA Chair, Michael Zammit Cutajar

Akihiko Furuya (Japan) announced a mid-term emission reduction target of 15% from 2005 levels by 2020.
Ahmed Alabdulkader (Saudi Arabia)
A sign held up by members of Oxfam to accelerate the rate of emissions reductions.

Координационный центр по изменению климата

Click for Astana, Kazakhstan Forecast

Комплексное сохранение водно-болотных угодий Казахстана

Mercury pollution at Povladar

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