Operational Guidelines for Baseline Assesement, Validation, Monitoring, Vertification and Sertification Contents
1 Introduction
2. Validation and Registration
2.1. The Project Design Document
2.2. Operational Entitties: Selection and Contructing
2.3. Operational Entitties: Review of the PDD
2.4.Stakeholders Comments
2.5. Operational Entitties: Issuing an Opinion
2.6. Registration
3. Monitoring
4. Verification, Certification and Issuance of CERs
5. References
Information and guidelines of the document were used for creation of the Unified Project Design Document
To the Manual is include articles:
1. Specific Instructions - includes instructions on:
SECTION A: Project Abstract
SECTION B: Detailed Project Description
The project's purpose, Technical description, Project Boundary, Emissions Sub-systems, Project participants, Economic and Financial Information, Detailed Financial Analysis, Contribution to sustainable development,
SECTION C: Project Baseline and Additionality
Defining Baseline Alternatives:
Status Quo, Modified Status Quo, Benchmarks of Recent Activities, Matrix of Locally Available Technologies , Hypotyhetical Scenario.,
Selecting from Among the Alternatives
Regulatory, Environment, Technology, Economics, Market Barriers, Choosing the Baseline.
Baseline Validity Period
SECTION D: Quantifying the Project's Expected GHG Emissions Impact
SECTION E: Monitoring Plan
Monitoring Metodologies: Actual Emissions
Activity Data
Emissions Factors
Oxidation Factors
Monitoring Metodologies: Baseline Emissions
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
SECTION F: Environmental Impact Assessement
SECTION G: Stakeholder Comments