Today on 28th of January 2009 the Kazakhstan Majilis Deputies at its session approved the draft Law “On Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change” reported the mass media.
The Kyoto Protocol is the international agreement advising flexible market mechanisms for reducing greenhouse gas emissions between countries. For Kazakhstan Kyoto mechanisms help create conditions for the economy enhancement, particularly the energy sector, and monitor foreign companies’ GHG emissions with reporting them to the RK Statistics Agency, develop an energy efficiency policy both at the industrial and residential levels.
Yesterday, January 20, 2009, the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security of the Mazhilis Parliament of the RK reviewed once again the Draft Law on Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.
At its second meeting the Committee voted for submitting the Draft Law to the Plenary Session of the Mazhilis Parliament of the RK (Lower Chamber of the Parliament of the RK). After approval at the Session it should be passed to the Senate (Upper Chamber of the Parliament of the RK) for adoption.
Sources at the Ministry of Environment Protection of the RK informed that the Plenary Session shall take place on January 28, 2009.
The Climate Change Coordination Centre provides expert support for the Ministry of Environment Protection in preparing presentation and information materials.
Dear friends, colleagues and guests of our site!
Climate change coordination centre sends you Season’s greetings and wishes you clean energy, renewable energy sources, reduction of greenhouse gas emitions and implementation of Kyoto protocol projects.
Year 2008 has been critical for global climate change mitigation. The Kyoto Protocol has begun to work, and it means that whole world is reducing greenhouse gas emitions, implements projects and settles agreements to install new eco-friendly and energy efficient technologies. Altogether it means that our planet has become a little bit cleaner and “green” .
With best regards,
Climate change coordination centre team.
Committee on Ecology and Nature Use of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan reviewed on its session the Draft Law “On Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change”. The Resolution, dated December 23, stated that the Committee has no comments or objections relating to the Draft and recommends it for approval by the Plenary. This is the first step towards ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by the Republic of Kazakhstan. Five more resolutions of different Mazhilis Committees are needed for the Draft Law to be submitted to the Plenary.
The Poznań Climate Change Conference 1 - 12 December 2008
The Poznań Climate Change Conference provides the opportunity to draw together the advances made in 2008 and move from discussion to negotiation mode in 2009. Such an outcome at Poznań would build momentum towards an agreed outcome at Copenhagen. At COP 14/CMP 4 in Poznań, Parties are expected to:
Agree on a plan of action and programmes of work for the final year of negotiations after a year of comprehensive and extensive discussions on crucial issues relating to future commitments, actions and cooperation
Make significant progress on a number of on-going issues required to enhance further the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol
Advance understanding and commonality of views on "shared vision" for a new climate change regime
Strengthen momentum and commitment to the process and the agreed timeline
Important continuing issues will be capacity-building for developing countries, reducing emissions from deforestation (REDD), technology transfer and adaptation