Climate change
ODS programme
Ways of solving
Position of Kazakhstan
GHG inventory

Construction of Kerbulak HEPP of 49, 5 MW capacity


Country and location:
Republic of Kazakhstan
Location: South Kazakhstan, Almaty Oblast


Type of the principal GHGs targeted for reduction by the project- CO2


Project category - Renewable Energy
Sector of economy is in the process of privatization

The Kapchagai HEPP has a nominal capacity of 364 MW (4 turbines x 91 MW each). Substantially less is actually used (100 - 200 MW), except in 1998 when the level of the Kapchagai was extraordinarily high and the plant used about 300 MW of its capacity (which led to floods downstream). The regulated water flow would also allow the main HEPP at Kapchagai to use its capacity more fully and efficiently. The new Kerbulak HEPP is expected to have a buffer effect on the daily and weekly fluctuations in the flow rate of the Ili River, which could allow to use an additional capacity (initially estimated at 112 MW but subject to verification) of the Kapchagai HEPP during winter time, substantially increasing its utilized capacity.

Project description:

  • Objectives:
    The principle objective of the project is to utilize waterpower for electricity production in order to reduce power production at mainly old coal -fired power plants and therefore reduce GHG emissions.
  • Current situation and expected outcomes:
    The project proposal is to build a small to medium size (49.5 MW) hydro electric power plant (HEPP) near Kerbulak on the Ili river about 23 km downstream of the Kapchagai HEPP. The annual power generation will amount 276,8 GWh. The financing of FS is expected to be provided in the framework of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Germany.
  • Outcomes:
    The generation of electricity by the Kerbulak hydropower plant substitutes coal burning in power stations. The realization of the project will create 100 new job vacations in depressive regions of Almaty Oblast.
  • Current status:
    A pre-feasibility study has been completed for the project.

Total project capital costs: 90,0 mln USD (to be detailed)

Expected environmental benefits including GHG emission reductions (tons CO2 per year or total emission reduction over the project's technical life time (t CO2) assuming project's technical life period- X years)

Annual Emission Reductions -380 161,5 tons of CO2
ERs for Project Life (for 20 years)- 7 603 230 tons of CO2


Compliance with national and local development objectives and contribution to Sustainable development:
The energy sector development strategy up to the year 2030 outlines river basins and regions that are most suitable for construction of small hydroelectric plants. At present it is feasible to construct 23 small and middle-sized hydroelectric plants with 600 MW cumulative capacities. The project is expected to comply with all environmental regulations and standards. The realization of the project also assists in creation of new working places, improvement of social atmosphere and economy development. The promotion of renewable energy is within the framework of the National Environmental Action plan and Government strategy in energy sector of Kazakhstan up to 2030 and obligations under UNFCCC.

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